Solomon Sanshin Blaylock became the newest Hazy Moon priest when he took Tokudo, priest ordination, with Nyogen Roshi in early 2024.
Shuso Hossen 2023
Longtime Hazy Moon member Meghan Kogen Crowe served as Head Trainee during our Summer Ango, venturing from her home and family in Tennessee for the monthlong training period. With her family and sangha in attendance at the culminating Shuso Hossen ceremony, she shared her deep appreciation for the opportunity to practice with Nyogen Roshi and […]
Shuso Hossen 2022
From Ango Opening to the culminating ceremony of Shuso Hossen, Summer Ango 2022 unfolded in a spirit of grace, discipline, and harmony set by Head Trainee Lurleen Honshin Benzian. Truly a “peaceful dwelling” for Ango participants, the training period concluded with Honshin’s successful defense of her koan, “Hogen’s Hairsbreadth,” Case 17 in the Shoyoroku.
Shuso Hossen 2021
After a year’s postponement due to COVID-19 precautions, Head Trainee Jody Kujaku Glienke presided over Shuso Hossen in July 2021 at the culmination of Summer Ango. Local sangha members were joined online by those at a distance as she presented a dharma talk and lively defense of her koan.
Baby Blessing
Little Rufus Delacruz charmed the sangha with his pure presence when parents Julie Honmei Snider and Angelo Delacruz brought him to the center for a baby blessing by Nyogen Roshi. Before the ceremony concluded, Rufus was given a miniature mala (and had stolen the hearts of everyone).
Jody Kujaku Glienke Head Trainee Statement Summer Ango 2021
In gratitude to William Nyogen Yeo Roshi for allowing me to have the opportunity to work with him as Head Trainee this Ango period. Thank you to Shelly Mushoku Cao for all of the planning and organization that she continually provides to our Sangha. And finally, thank you to the Hazy Moon Sangha for their friendship and support.
May I cause no harm to sentient beings. May I honor the Dharma appropriately.
Opening to Wisdom
Maezumi Roshi answers the question, “How do we open ourselves to wisdom?”
Transcribed from a recording made in July 1993.
Chanting Services
Services introduce the aspect of ritual into our practice. Specifically, a “service” consists of a chant, performed in front of the altar, to transmit the energy, intention and benefit of our practice into the world we inhabit. In one way, rituals are an external expression of our inner state. At the same time, we strengthen and reinforce our inner state by the external chant. The service brings together what we think of as “inside” and “outside” into a unified whole.
The Language of Zen
At the Hazy Moon, we use many Zen terms carried forward from ancient monastic practice. Here is a glossary of words and phrases that you may encounter when you practice in a Zendo. Explanations of other Zen ceremonies and activities are found on our Practice & Traditions page. Buddha – Literally, “awake.” Also refers to […]
The Overstory
“I read a book that changed my life,” says Claudia Hosso Politi. The Overstory–a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about inter-connection between human beings and the natural world, especially trees–sparks wonder and a new passion for nature in Hosso…
How Buddhas Are Born
We observe the traditional Zen ceremony of Hanamatsuri, or flower festival, to commemorate the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha on April 8. Born standing up, he took seven steps, raised his right hand and declared, “Above the heavens, below the earth, I alone am the World Honored One…”
Hanamatsuri is our annual commemoration of Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth. The name literally means festival of the flowers. We mark the occasion by creating an altar of fresh flowers and holding a special service…