In a powerful conclusion to the 2018 Summer Ango training period, Head Trainee Rafael Doshin Carrasco presided over the traditional ceremonies of Shosan, or public dokusan, Tea Ceremony and Shuso Hossen, where he defended his presentation of the koan “The World-Honored One Ascends the Platform..”
Stefan Munen Kamph’s Jukai
Combining his commitment to practice with his love of travel, Stefan Munen Kampf has cultivated equal devotion for both the Hazy Moon and its sister temple, the Black Scorpion Zen Center in Mexico…
Statement from Rafael Doshin Carrasco, Head Trainee for Summer Ango 2018
I am from Santiago, Chile and I have been meditating for some years. I do not have a Sangha there, so I usually practice alone. For me, it’s really important to know that I have my teacher and my Sangha here in Hazy Moon…
Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo
The Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo is a dharani, an exhortation designed to produce specific energy though the articulation of sound. The Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, or the Ten-Phrase Life Prolonging Kannon, evokes the compassionate and eternal nature of our life. For the words to this chant, see the Hazy Moon Chant Book.
Identity of Relative and Absolute
The Identity of Relative and Absolute is a poem about the enlightened mind written by our Dharma ancestor Shitou (Jap: Sekito Kisen) in the 8th century and chanted in our services. For the words to this chant, see the Hazy Moon Chant Book.
Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
The most commonly chanted sutra in Mahayana Buddhism, the Heart Sutra expounds the core, or heart, of the Buddha’s teaching. For the words to this chant, see the Hazy Moon Chant Book.
The Light of a New Year
Under the bright shine of a supermoon, the Hazy Moon Sangha marked its 20th consecutive New Year’s Eve ceremony. Concluding the annual Year-End Sesshin, participants dedicated the merit of their practice through all space and time by chanting a full service; performing the atonement ritual of Fusatsu; and generating auspicious blessings of peace, wisdom, and […]
Fusatsu, our service of atonement, is one of the most beautiful and profound ceremonies in the Zen tradition.
Lurleen Honshin Benzian’s Jukai
After several years of practice at the Hazy Moon, Lurleen Benzian took the Buddha precepts and received Jukai from Nyogen Roshi on October 7 with sangha and family members in attendance. She received the Dharma name, Honshin, which means “Mind Only,” an auspicious name which carries particular enthusiasm and appreciation from Roshi. Congratulations, Honshin!
Appreciating Life: A Profile of Bob Berman
You would think that the discovery of potentially habitable planets orbiting a nearby star would excite an astronomer. Bob Berman—a columnist for Astronomy magazine, the astronomy editor of the Old Farmers Almanac and the author of ten popular books—was unimpressed…
Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary
On August 26, 2017, a full house of members and friends gathered to celebrate the miraculous occasion of our 20th Anniversary. Services, including memorials for departed priests and honorary founder Maezumi Roshi, were followed by informal remembrances by long-time students. Nyogen Roshi’s wholehearted teisho paid tribute to our rare lineage and the tradition we embody […]
Reflections: The First Years
This collection of photographs, gathered in honor of our 20th Anniversary, depict the busy first days of the Hazy Moon Sangha including its inception as an informal group practicing at the home of Mr. Kelly Stevens Sr.; the August 1997 purchase of 1651 S. Gramercy Place, where the zendo was in the living room and […]