Under the bright shine of a supermoon, the Hazy Moon Sangha marked its 20th consecutive New Year’s Eve ceremony. Concluding the annual Year-End Sesshin, participants dedicated the merit of their practice through all space and time by chanting a full service; performing the atonement ritual of Fusatsu; and generating auspicious blessings of peace, wisdom, and […]
Lurleen Honshin Benzian’s Jukai
After several years of practice at the Hazy Moon, Lurleen Benzian took the Buddha precepts and received Jukai from Nyogen Roshi on October 7 with sangha and family members in attendance. She received the Dharma name, Honshin, which means “Mind Only,” an auspicious name which carries particular enthusiasm and appreciation from Roshi. Congratulations, Honshin!
Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary
On August 26, 2017, a full house of members and friends gathered to celebrate the miraculous occasion of our 20th Anniversary. Services, including memorials for departed priests and honorary founder Maezumi Roshi, were followed by informal remembrances by long-time students. Nyogen Roshi’s wholehearted teisho paid tribute to our rare lineage and the tradition we embody […]
Reflections: The First Years
This collection of photographs, gathered in honor of our 20th Anniversary, depict the busy first days of the Hazy Moon Sangha including its inception as an informal group practicing at the home of Mr. Kelly Stevens Sr.; the August 1997 purchase of 1651 S. Gramercy Place, where the zendo was in the living room and […]
Shuso Hossen 2017
Our three-month summer training period ended with a week of dramatic events: Shosan (public exchanges between Nyogen Roshi and individual students), Tea Ceremony (when the koan that our shuso or head trainee has been working on is made public) and Shuso Hossen (an elaborate ritual that allows the shuso or head trainee to demonstrate his […]
Rev. Sherri Ento MacClelland Precept Transmission
Rev. Sherri Ento MacClelland recently received Precept Transmission at the Hazy Moon. The ceremony for Ento bestowed the title “sensei” and capped more than 25 years of Zen practice–first with Maezumi Roshi, then with Nyogen Roshi. Congratulations Ento Sensei!
Shuso Hossen 2016
In this slideshow, Ari Sanmai Robles concludes the Summer Ango 2016 training period and defends her case before the Sangha as Head Trainee. [slideshow_deploy id=’5086′]
Ango Opening & Shuso Entering 2015
Kim Donin McDonald serves as Shuso for Ango Opening & Shuso Entering, 2015 [slideshow_deploy id=’3743′]
Shinnyo Tokudo Ceremony
Angie Shinnyo Nickol recently ordained as a priest at the Hazy Moon. She and her husband, Markus Kansho Nickol, live in Nuremberg, Germany. Shinnyo was our head trainee during last year’s Summer Ango. [slideshow_deploy id=’3876′]
Mujo Precept Transmission
On June 27, John Mujo Fritzlen received Precept Transmission from Nyogen Roshi. Mujo Sensei, who has led the men’s group at the Hazy Moon for many years and has decades of experience in Mahamudra as well as Zen practices, will now wear the brown robe of a transmission holder in our our lineage. [slideshow_deploy id=’3842′]
Shuso Hossen 2015
Kim Donin McDonald serves as Shuso for the 2015 Shuso Hossen Ceremony [slideshow_deploy id=’4005′]
Ugen’s Jukai
Highlights from the Jukai ceremony of Jannifer Ju, where she took the Bodhisattva precepts and was given the dharma name “Ugen”